Sunday, May 8, 2011


There is not much that needs to be said about this ad. It couldn’t possibly scream SEXISM any more in your face. We are aware that sadly, sexism was common and perhaps acceptable during the 1950s, but it is truly unbelievable the message that this simple advertisement sends to people. Domestic abuse. I would like to understand in which way is this an issue that must be made public like this, more incredible yet, encouraged. The picture clearly portrays the power of men towards their wives, and it insights fear in women. Apparently, women should be careful of what they do otherwise they may be beaten by their husbands, which is perfectly tolerable. It’s sad to think that this is the kind of influence that was mainly shown back then. Even sadder, the fact that it was so unnecessary. A coffee ad? They certainly could have done better to sell their “fresh coffee” than humiliating women in such way.

Does media influence the actions of teenagers?

Television. Definitely one of the greatest inventions so far, thus with a great impact in society. As it began to earn popularity in the 1950’s people commented that it would create big changes in the future, and as we see today, it has. Not only does it change the way we see the world, but it has drastically changed the way we live. So yes, television influences the actions of teenagers. The answer is simple, what has been debatable, as the article mentions, is whether this influence is good or bad. I believe it’s both, and I found brilliant the way Carole Hicks described the relation between television and it’s impact: “Television’s potential to connect, educate and inform the public is often overshadowed by the lack of individual responsibility in using this modern-day miracle”. As always, I’m a true believer that humans are free to feel and think whatever they please, and therefore they are responsible for their own actions. It’s easy to blame the crazy reality shows we see on TV, or the time television takes away from us, but in the end it’s us who choose to have it affect our lives. We create our own customs, our generations, our own ideas. Nevertheless, as teenagers, the ability for television (which is only an example in a sea of many) to manipulate the way we act is much greater than it would be on a grown adult.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I Am Poem

I am a lunch counter sit-in
I wonder if I'll ever see the end of this
I hear hatred form the mountain tops
I see no change
I want equality for all
I am a lunch counter sit-in

I pretend that I will see equality in the end
I feel hostility burning through my flesh
I need love and good will at all times
I worry that this will never ever end
I cry internally to show no display of weakness
I am a lunch counter sit-in

I understand the misconception of these people
I believe unity is soon to come
I dream of peace between all humanity
I try not to awake from such a realistic thing
I hope for this dream to come true, because
I am a lunch counter sit-in


If you were to ask me, the answer would be yes. I believe that any one who has enough will, perseverance, and courage, can truly achieve anything they might possible want. The American Dream? Absolutely. But truth is, we live in a world where power means almost everything, and unfortunately, it is often taken in the wrong hands. It is merely common sense to accept the fact that we will always find excuses or obstacles to stand in our way, as humans that we are, and sometimes, it will take more than "effort" to reach our goals. "A Class Divided" proves how discrimination and circumstances affect meritocracy, more specifically, a child's abilities to do work in school. I see it as a creative, smart way to show the world how even a little change could make an impact. However, people are very different and though this experiment might show results that corroborate with Jane Elliot, human potencial could never be throughly measured. In the end, the ideology remains true, because I'm a firm believer that no one can tell you what you can or can not do, no one but yourself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"So did they..."

This picture represents the scene right before Braddock's last fight in the film, against Max Baer. I chose this scene because it was the most touching for me. I felt overwhelmed when Mae saw all the people who were praying for Jim, when she thought she was all alone. She found out she shared her anguish with others as well, which made her hopeful and gave her the courage to talk to Jim and let him know she supported him. This scene, specifically, showed how great things can be accomplished when working together and having faith.

US Intervention?

It seems to be such a difficult question to respond -- "Should the United States get involved in countries that are possibly facing genocide? "; yet, I find the answer rather simple: absolutely. I can understand that a country can not always go out of its way to help another, but in the case of such a powerful and influent nation, as is the US, there is no excuse. What is the point of being prosperous when others around us are suffering? I believe that we are one, the whole world, and if we do not help each other in times of need, who will? If we have the opportunity in our hands to aid the weak and stop abuse, we should take the risk. I find myself very passionate when thinking about the time of the Holocaust. I can not understand how such numerous of innocent people were hurt and killed without previous intervention. If only I would've had the power to take all that injustice away, I wouldn't have hesitated in acting.

James Braddock's Fights Map

View James J. Braddock in a larger map

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Topic 7 Concept Guide

The Scopes Trial: The case John Scopes v. the state, in which he was accused for teaching evolution in a public high school. It was important in American history because it simbolized the conflict back then between science and theology.

Prohibition (The 18th Amendment): The period around the 1920s in which it was illegal to manufacture and sell alcohol in the United States. This amendment was nearly impossible to be enforced and therefore was repealed. This was a time in which people broke the law, and was characterized by gangsters, flappers, and speakeasies.

Flappers: Younger women of the 1920s that caused major controversy because they dressed "revealing", drinked, smoked, and basically acted the opposite of what was then considered as acceptable behavior for women.

Economic Issues (1920s): There were several economic issues during the 1920s which primarily led to the Great Depression in the 1930s. People were consuming over board, which raised inflation and workers weren't now earning enough money to pay the high prices. Income taxes were being the lowest for the richest people. Credit cards were introduced. Banks were loaning at low interest rates. In 1929 the stock market crashed and all the economy's weaknesses became clear.

Dust Bowl: A period of severe dust storms which lasted about 16 years. It was caused by drought and mechanization; with the use of new technology people planted more and didn't allow for the soil to recover. It affected, ecologically and agriculturally, many American and Canadian prairie lands.

Agricultural Issues: Agriculture became increasingly mechanized with the use of the tractor, other heavy equipment, and new techniques. Overproduction led to decrease in prices which led to dull market conditions and living standards for farmers. Hundreds of farmers had borrowed loans to buy neighboring properties and now weren't able to pay such high debts.

Immigration Policies (1920s): In 1921 total immigration was limited to about 350,000 per year, with immigration from each country limited, per year, to 3 percent of all nationals from the country who were already living in the United States. The system was made permanent with the National Origins Act of 1924. The object of the law was to favor certain kinds of immigrants and to keep out others (more from Europe and Asians were totally excluded).

Navitism: The presence of people from different cultures, with different languages and different religions produced feelings of hostility toward immigrants.

Significant Literary Works (1920s): A few books that defined this time period were:

The Ways of White Folks - by Langston Hughes. It was the first book written by an African American that talked about his feelings towards the white. This book was published during the Harlem Rennaissance.

The Great Gatsby - by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The American dream that anyone can achieve anything

The New Negro - by Alain Locke - A hopeful look at the African Americans in America

The Waste Land - by T.S. Eliot - Criticism of the modern world's loss of personal, moral, and spiritual values.

The Great Migration: The movement of about 2 million African Americans out of the Southern United States to the North. They were looking to escape racism and find new job opportunities.

Harlem Renaissance: A flowering of African American cultural and intellectual life following the Great Migration. It took place primarily in New York City. African Americans celebrated their pride, dignity and creativity, and found new ways to explore art (literature, drama, music, visual art, dance).

Sacco and Vanzetti: Italian anarchists who were convicted of murdering two men during an armed robbery in Massachusetts. They were executed on August 23, 1927, but there was still a dispute of whether they were innocent or not.

Labor Issues (1920s): During the 1920s the labor force grew significantly. Many people were in need of jobs and the ones who were employed weren't earning enough. However, there was a rise in women's job opportunities. Decrease in foreign immigration also affected the economy during this time.

The Red Scare: A strong period of Anti-Communism in the United States. It was mainly about socialist revolution and political radicalism.

Schneck v. the United States: Charles Schneck was arrested for printing, distributing, and mailing 15,000 leaflets to prospective military draftees during WWI. The Court ruled with the current Espionage Act of 1917 and stated that men did not have the right of free speech openly oppose to the draft.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Acrostic Poem

P rogressives blamed alcohol, the cause of all the madness
R isky situations, physical abuse and sickness
O nly thing it did was make people throw away their money
H urt the way men worked
I t didn't take long for Prohibition to be introduced
B etter for the people
I mpossible to sell and manufacture alcohol
T ransportation was allowed
I rony in the law
O bedience nearly unattainable
N o more problems?

R apid decisions
O nly entertainment
A ll over the place
R isking jobs and lives
I rresponsibility
N o control
G et-togethers

T roubled time
W rong attitude
E verything was chaos
N asty outcomes
T enacious experiences
I nsane parties
E ffortless fun
S inful time